AWS 프리티어 초과 사용시 감액 요청하기
2023. 2. 28. 00:55
클라우드 업체별로 프리티어를 제공한다.
쉽게 말하자면 무료 사용량을 제공한다.
하지만 대부분이 신규 계정에 대해 12개월로 제공한다
나는 회사에서 받은 크레딧도 있어서 가끔씩 내계정으로 테스트를 했었다.
테스트때마다 T3.micro와 EC2와 S3만 사용하였고 한번씩 까먹고 삭제를 안하적이 있었다.
리눅스의 t3.micro이 750시간 무료이다.
여기서 주의해야할점은 VPC를 만들때 NAT 서비스는 무료가 아니다.
그때 NAT IP를 넣어가면서 테스트를 한적이 있었다. ㅠㅠ
나도 부과되서 슬퍼하고있다가 AWS에 Caseopen을하여 감액을 받았다.
아래는 Caseopen 내용과 답변이다.
참고로 케이스 오픈은 AWS 콘솔에서 로그인후 우측상단에 있다.
Hi, aws. My card expired and I didn't know the payment was made, so I passed the payment deadline. The credit card company's payment notification did not come. Sadly, I paid more than I thought with the nat gateway that I made as a test. I deleted it right away. Can you give me a discount on September expenses or compensate me with credit? T.T |
Hi T.T, Thank you for reaching out to us. I have done a review on you account and I see the charges are relating to NAT gateway used under you EC2 resources. I also see that you had promotional credits covering your bills until July. Now, as these charges were unintentional, I'd like to help you with a possible billing adjustment, but it is necessary to make sure that all the resources are terminated. For security reasons, we do not have access to your running instances, so we're unable to terminate them on your behalf, but don't worry, I'll attach the steps for you to terminate the remaining resources just be sure that service are not running in the background. To check that NAT gateways have been terminated: 1) Open the VPC console at 2) Choose Actions >> Choose Delete NAT Gateway >> In the confirmation dialog box, choose Delete NAT Gateway. If stuck see link below : Once these resources have been confirmed terminate let me know by replying to this case. Feel free to reach out if you have any further questions. We value your feedback. Please share your experience by rating this correspondence using the AWS Support Center link at the end of this correspondence. Each correspondence can also be rated by selecting the stars in top right corner of each correspondence within the AWS Support Center. Best regards, Moegammed A. Amazon Web Services |
hello. AWS I delete nat GW and VPC , attach screen Shot I use vpc and ec2 only for testing purposes. I tend to delete it immediately after the test. I usually only use it for s3 continuously. Thank you |
Hi I have excellent news! After liaising with our service team, we've approved a billing adjustment of $52.38 for charges on your August bill and $27.67 for your September charges, which has been applied as a refund to your credit card for August and credit on your account for September. Please note that the refund processing time will depend on your payment method type and can vary according to your Financial Institution also this is a once off exception. You may also use AWS Cost Anomaly Detection (Anomaly Detection) to monitor your spending and review potential anomalies on your AWS account or your AWS Organization. Anomaly Detection uses machine learning to detect patterns that deviate from the expected usage, generate alerts when anomalies are detected, and provide root cause analysis. To access Anomaly Detection, make sure that you've enabled Cost Explorer for your account. For more information about Anomaly Detection see the link below: We would like to remind you, as part of our Service Agreement you are responsible for all activities that occur under your account, including all applicable fees, and charges for the use of our services. Have a great day. |
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